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Indonesian Coal

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We supply low GAR Coal From Origin located in the berau Regency, Est Kalimantan,Indonesia. The Project is an lzin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) issued by the regional government and covers a total area of 500 Ha. The project is only 1km north of the berau River and 67 km upstream from the offshore coal transshipment location of muraPantai. The river is navigable by 300-330ft ( 8000mt-9500mt) barges all season. The mine Fesible Logistics and growing demand of 3400 GAR( Arb) in Asian market makes the project highly profitable. our sources have JORC reserve of 18 Million MT of coal.

Coal Specification

Test Parameters                                Typical                Rejection

Total Moisture (ARB)                         40%                    >44%

Inherent Moisture (ADB)                   16% max

Ash Content (ADB)                              6%-8%

Volatile Matter (ADB)                          38%-45%

Total Sulphur (ADB)                            0.40%                 >0.6%

Gross Calorific Value (ARB)              3400 Kcal/Kg     <3200 Kcal/Kg

HGI                                                           55

Size (0-100mm)                                     90%

Our supply Partners hold on IUP lease for operation and Production covering 987 Ha, in the regency of Bengkulu Tengah, Bengkulu Province, Indonesia.The concession area is ferr of foresty and coal belongs to the lemai formation which is miocene in age. The hauling road to nearest loading Prot( Pulaubai) is 55 Km. The Company has only built in house hauling road 3 Km theremaining distance to port is covered  using the province road.Company Aims to continue the Exploration process in the remaining concession area along with production in future. Feasible logistics and high quality coal specification in the domestic and international market.

Coal Specification

Test Parameters                          Typical                        Rejection

Total Moisture (ARB)                  18%                                >23%

Inherent Moisture (ADB)           10% max

Ash Content (ADB)                      8%-10%

Volatile Matter (ADB)                38%-40%

Total Sulphur (ADB)                    0.40%                              >0.6%

Gross Calorific Value (ARB)       5300 Kcal/Kg              <5100 Kacl/Kg

HGI                                                45%

Size (0-100mm)                           90%

Our supply sources for below specification coal is IUP concession located in Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The hauling distance form mine pit jetty is only 6 Km.

Coal Specification

Test Parameters                           Typical                           Rejection

Total Moisture (ARB)                   10%                                  >12%

Inherent Moisture (ADB)            10 % max

Ash Content (ADB)                       2%-4%

Volatile Matter (ADB)                  38%-40%

Total Sulphur (ADB)                     0.30%                               >0.6%

Gross Calorific Value (ADB)        7000 Kcal /Kg         <6800 Kcal/Kg

HGI                                                    45%

Size (0-100mm)                              90%




we are the leading suppliers for the coal basically used in power sectors, furnaces & Boilers etc. Situated at Across India. We are directly purchase coal from Sm that why we stand tall in the market. And constantly driving passion, an urge to excel,the in-built ability to strive and power to challenge world-wide competitors saw the transformation of a micro-enterprise into a national entity and pave its way to global success as the leading coal suppliers.

The best working team of professionals and years  of competence in the allied field of interest is what made us to flourish our business all over and made us leading coal traders in the country.An effective and reliable procurement procurement procedure has greatly aided in identifying and reviewing suppliers and enhancing our performance  status,reduce overall cycle time and elevate customer contentment rate.


Product Qualities:

The Quality output ranges from 5300-5100Kcal/Kg up-to 7000-6800 Kcal GCV. We international standrads for contranctual specificationas of the coal( Air Dired Basis )

  • GCV 7000-6800
  • GCV 6000-5800
  • GCV 5500-5300
  • GCV 5300-5100


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